Somewhere between Sonora and the Gila River
they was havin a dance
before the hard of sight monsoon Rain found his groove
and Thunder sat up from prayer
the Toad
the Velvet Mite
and the Horn Lizard
knew it was bout to go down
they all convened at the puddle about to become a flash flood
they knew that Wind was the MC, and to follow his cue

Everybody that could shake and move
was on the coiled and woven dance floor
even folks you dont usually see together
you know
arch enemies
polar opposites
sworn rivals
‘never gonna talk to her again’ kinda peoples
they was celebrating the coming of Rain
some dressed up, others came casual natural
they danced the polka, the cumbia, and the wiggle jiggle make it up dance
there was
ms stinky and mrs venom
oh yuck nasty rotten ugly and ahhh sheer delight sparkling beautiful
a lil bit on the heavy side Señor Buck and kinda short and stocky for a lion Mrs Concolor
a rancher and his mama
and so on

Under the vatto
that is vatto watto not vato
vatto is Oʼodham, vato is Spanish
one is a thatched structure in the desert with wood poles and no walls
the other is like dude bro essssssssse
under the vatto
are the musicians
today they are singing about drinking wine made from Saguaro
drumming on about the yummy deliciousness of Prickly Pear fruits
rasping away at Mesquite pods made into flour
fiddling Oak acorns into being
and blowing harmonica flute and saxophone tunes until
Rain sheds his load and Thunder starts clapping

As usual Spider was up to the same old tricks
tryin to steal the eagle feather
droppin in for a toke with the cool kids
imagining that it and only it was the one weaving the universe into being
silly Spider with the eight eyes but still poor eyesight…
what are we gonna do with you Spider?!

And in the well tended field laden with Pumpkin and Melon
Bean stretching tendrils atop Squash blossoms and Corn silk
are the naughties that are at every party
always just chilling and hanging at the margin
you know who you are!
if this was school you would be at detention
if this was work you would be off the payroll
but this is a fun dance is all, so laugh and be merry
you know who you are!!
Pack Rat, Jack Rabbit and Coyote!!
and Cottontail, I know you are in there somewhere!
Show yourself!!

There are worlds above and below us
baskets sitting atop baskets and more baskets all thick with goods
the entrance to the underworld
is shown here by the tiny round house of a mound
guarded by Gopher and Gopher
the gate to the upper worlds is best accessed by prayers and pilgrimages
up to ancient caves and mountain peaks
next to Ocotillo and Agave,
somewhere in the very quiet sand grain rock outcrop of time

Well Sun bout risen
Wind is leading the way
can feel the dampness and electric buzz in the air
Rain magic starting in a moment
gonna duck in the house to stay dry
stare out the window and watch it all come down

Gratitude and references
Thank you to the Tohono O’odham, the Akimel O’odham, the Hia C-eḍ Oʼodham, and I’itoi
Thank you to Michael Chiago Sr. and his wonderful artwork
Thank you for the words and work of Juan Dolores, Susanne Ignacio Enos, Dean and Lucille Saxton, and Amadeo M Rea
Thank you for the songs of countless beings and the smiles of the Ancestors